Deasy Soprano

Deasy is an Indonesian lyric soprano living in the Netherlands. With her warm voice, she sings various repertoires from opera aria to lied and oratorio. She also gives singing lessons at her music studio in Centrum Den Haag.

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Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - Portrait

Indonesian Soprano Netherlands

Upcoming Performances
~ 2024/25 ~

August 3
Indonesiana Mozartiana
Jakarta Sinfonietta
Usmar Ismail Hall, Jakarta

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November 17
In dulci jubilo
Amsterdamse Händelvereniging
Amstelkerk, Amsterdam

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February 8 & 9 (2025)
Laudate pueri Dominum
ConcertoValiante Barok & VOKALISK
Dody Soetanto, conductor

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March 6, 8, 9 (2025)
Messa da Requiem
Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest &
Koor van De Nationale Opera
Lorenzo Viotti, conductor
De Doelen, Rotterdam &
Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

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May 30 (2025)
De Stille Kracht
Sinta Wullur, composer

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June 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29 (2025)
Boris Godunov
De Nationale Opera
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Vasily Petrenko, conductor
Nationale Opera & Ballet, Amsterdam

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Warm Voice

As a lyric soprano, Deasy is known for her warm voice with deep tone color and rich timbre. Her vocal quality is defined not only by her beautiful voice but also by its clarity and resonance. She is highly notable for her long legato lines, refinement in details, and remarkable musicality. Performance-wise, her expressiveness and her ability to engage her audience are some of her strong points. All are truly revealed in her nuanced music performance, and most importantly, by her genuine passion for music.

"Zelden heb ik iemand gehoord die zo verfijnd muzikaal is, zo serieus en toegewijd en ook nog eens een beeldschone stem heeft. Deasy heeft ontzettend veel mogelijkheden om uit te bloeien tot een prachtige concert en operazangeres in Nederland. Ze zal met haar bijzondere talent de muziekwereld verrijken."

~ Eva-Maria Westbroek ~
Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - Portrait Laugh

"To find one's voice is a joy. But as you can hear it grow and mature, the delights are multiplied a hundredfold."

~ Nancy Telfer ~

Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - TivoliVredenburg

Current Work

Deasy is regularly invited to perform as a soloist in various concerts throughout the Netherlands and in Indonesia. Additionally, she also works as a freelance singer at the chorus of De Nationale Opera (DNO) in Amsterdam. She has been involved in many productions, including Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, Bizet's Carmen, Puccini’s Turandot, Puccini’s Tosca, Wagner's Lohengrin, Beethoven’s Fidelio, Humperdinck's Königskinder, Verdi’s Messa da Requiem, and Poulenc's Gloria. Furthermore, she has worked with numerous world-renowned conductors and stage directors, such as Lorenzo Viotti, Marc Albrecht, Riccardo Minasi, Jordan de Souza, Eun Sun Kim, Peter Dijkstra, Andreas Küppers, Barrie Kosky, Christof Loy, Christian Spuck, and Lotte de Beer. Indonesian Soprano Netherlands

Opera Arias, Lieder & Oratorios

As a soloist, Deasy sings various roles, including Liù in Puccini’s TurandotContessa in Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro, Fiordiligi in Mozart's Così fan tutte, and Pamina in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte. She performed as a soloist in Opera Forward Festival (OFF 2024) at De Nationale Opera. She took on the character of Papagena in Rewriting Zauberflöte with Operafront in 2018. Additionally, she participated in Gershwins' Porgy and Bess at Grachtenfestival 2014.

Apart from romantic music and opera, Deasy is regularly invited to give early music performances. Her experience includes Bach's Matthäus-Passion, Bach's Johannes-Passion, Bach's Weihnachtsoratorium, Händel's Messiah, Händel's Dixit Dominus, Haydn's Nelsonmis, Mozart's Requiem, Fauré's Requiem, and Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem, among others.

Throughout her musical career, Deasy has been engaged in many opera projects, lied performances, and oratorio concerts with orchestras, choirs, and ensembles. She has also performed in many well-known concert halls, such as Het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, and De Doelen in Rotterdam.

Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - ConcertoValiante Barok & Leids Kamerkoor
Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - AS Zaal


Deasy graduated with both a Master of Music and a Bachelor of Music from Het Koninklijk Conservatorium in Den Haag, where she earned summa cum laude with distinction for being a complete and nuanced artist. On top of that, her research in historically informed performance received a perfect ten. In addition to her formal vocal studies, she has joined Studio 32 under Henny Diemer since 2014. She has been under the guidance of several prominent teachers and coaches, such as Ira Siff, Chelsea Bonagura, Eva-Maria Westbroek, Catrin Wyn-Davies, Sasja Hunnego, Peter Nilsson, Lochlan Brown, Maurice Lammerts van Bueren, Catharina Leimena, and Diani Sitompul. Indonesian Soprano Netherlands

"Deasy has a big beautiful voice and she is extremely musical and expressive, which are talents very suitable for an opera. She is not only a quick learner but also into detail in refining her music."

~ Henny Diemer ~

"One is never done with learning; and that is especially true of singers."

~ Lilli Lehmann ~

Teaching for Singing Lessons

Aside from her passion for performing on stage, Deasy loves teaching as much as singing! She is really into vocal pedagogy. She currently gives private singing lessons at her music studio near Grote Markt in Den Haag through the School of Music. Moreover, she conducted online lectures, vocal coaching, and masterclasses at several universities and music schools in Indonesia, such as Satya Wacana Christian University and Pelita Harapan University. You can read more on her teaching approaches here and you can also directly book a singing lesson here.

"Deasy, you made the instruction clear in a wonderful way, and if I may say so, you are really gifted to teach and inspire young people."

~ Renee Jonker ~
Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - APCH Composer Clinic

Recording of Her Singing

In December 2022, Deasy performed at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht, presenting several songs. Please listen to her singing beautifully "Signore, ascolta!" in Puccini's Turandot accompanied by Lisa Tanto. Indonesian Soprano Netherlands


Recording of Her Singing

In March 2024, Deasy performed Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem as a soloist with VU-koor, which was conducted by Dody Soetanto, and accompanied by Charlie Bo and Jelena Popović. Kindly enjoy her singing "Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit".


Video Clip

In June 2022, Deasy performed Haydn's Nelsonmis as a soloist with ConcertoValiante Barok orchestra and Leids Kamerkoor. It is a piece very relatable to the world's current situation of troubled times with great adversity, instability, fear, and war. Kindly hear her contemplation, conveyed through both her narrative and singing voice!

Other Works

In 2021, Deasy co-produced Di Antara (In-Between) music film for a fundraising campaign, where she also performed as a soloist for a couple of songs and narrated the film. It was part of humanitarian work for a Covid relief program. It was an act of kindness, that goodness knows no border. Thus, it broke both physical and cultural barriers, acting as a bridge, bringing different societies together, and touching people's hearts through art and music. Kindly enjoy the film and her "Dido's Lament" in Purcell's Dido and Aeneas.

Deasy worked as well as an assistant artistic director of the World Opera Lab. She is also regularly invited to perform Indonesian songs on many occasions, including by the Indonesian Embassy. Last but not least, in addition to being a performer and an educator, she is a content creator. Indonesian Soprano Netherlands


"The combination of a musical sense that is both spirited and elegant and a full, clear, and beautiful sound make her extremely well-suited to the lyric fach, ranging from the lyric Mozart roles to twentieth century repertoire. Deasy is a communicative and engaging artist and at ease singing in quite varied styles, from Handel and Bach to Menotti."

~ Peter Nilsson ~

"Deasy's performance showcased a high level of singing, a strong resonant and communicative voice and the ability to touch an audience. Her view on Western Music from an Indonesian perspective adds diversity to the way we understand and perform the repertoire."

~ Emlyn S. ~

"Deasy was able to bridge between the Dutch-European and Indonesian culture and was an indispensable asset in helping the artistic director in connecting with the Indonesian artists, understanding and interpreting the director’s ideas into concrete actions and technique."

Jasper B. ~

Extra Recordings

Hail Mary, a popular prayer, was sung by Deasy and accompanied by Alfian Emir Adytia (cello) in 2021. "Ave Maria" by Gounod, enjoy! Indonesian Soprano Netherlands

Deasy recorded an Indonesian song called Bunga Seroja - Bangka Belitung, back in 2012. It was supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Follow her enchanting voice, explore the exotism of Indonesia, and be captivated by its beauty!

Sang by Deasy, Aria for the End of Time was composed by Alfian Emir Adytia as a part of his Death of Beauty album. The song was recorded during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a time when life seemed fleeting and the threat of death was looming on the horizon... a reminder...

"But to me the actual sound of the words is all important; I feel always that the words complete the music and must never be swallowed up in it. The music is the shining path over which the poet travels to bring his song to the world."

~ Lotte Lehmann ~

"Of course, there is no ‘authenticity’. Of course, we don't know all the answers. Even if we did, it wouldn't make us perfect performers. Music-making must always involve guesses and inspirations, creative hunches and improvised strategies, above all, instinct and imagination. But if we don't have all the answers, the least we can do is to set out on our journey with the right questions."

~ Clive Brown ~


Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - Portrait
Marlina Deasy Hartanto - Soprano Netherlands - Adjournment Cover

"As long as we live, there is never enough singing."

~ Martin Luther ~

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